Sunday, September 25, 2011

Some things are meant to be and for the past two weeks I have felt like Moses standing before the Red Sea and it is parting. Only in my version I am a college grad and I am parting my career path. You see, since I got off the trail my weathervane has been continuously spinning, refusing to point in one direction.

One morning, two weeks ago, I woke up and I began to plan my day, make breakfast, go for a hike with Molly, organize room. Then I thought, no, I need to look for jobs. I flipped open my lap top and searched career builder, then I found it. It was the right place, location and I had the desirable experience. Not only would I apply my degree, I was the desireable candidate due to my degree, skills and experience. I sat in bed all morning tweeking my resume, developing a coverletter and filling out the application. My dad came in at 1:30pm and asked if I was going to ever going to go downstars.

The next day, I met with my sister A.K.A my career services guru. We spent the morning tweeking polishing everything up before sending it off on day 3 that it was posted.

My parents are moving and whether or not I go with them is dependent on jobs. So I started to go through the motions of moving. So on Friday right after I broke down my bed and packed up my room I recieved a call asking if I could come in on Monday for an interview. Hold the mattress, I may be staying in town.

Natalie: "Now you're going to have to actually wash your hair, as in, use shampoo and conditioner."
Natalie gave me the pep talk, drilled me with potential interview questions, invited me to stay on her couch, made me breakfast, did my hair and makeup and let me borrow a suit. Seriously, I don't know how I would have pulled this off without her. My sister was telling her boss about me, saying that I was planning on wearing a pair of dress pants and a nice shirt to the interview until my sister snapped me back to reality and said that I needed to wear a suit and that she had one for me. "Is your sister kindove a hippi," she asked.

As it turns out, the suit Natalie, let me borrow was the suit she got from a clothes swap which used to be her friends who wore the very suit to her interview at the same institution and she got the job! On top of this Natalie had the day off on Monday, so on top of all the other great things Natalie did for me that morining, she also drove me to the interview and provided moral support when I got out.

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