Wednesday, August 31, 2011

These Are My Goals

The following is a list of goals: convert a VW bus to run off of vegetable oil, go on a cross-country trip around the US, learn how to crochet, knit, spin wool and tan hide, make my own pair of moccasins out of deer hide, keep a vegetable/fruit garden, teach, own a moped, Learn how to hunt, forage, fish, can and dehydrate, connect with my spiritual centers, meditate, draw and sculpt, built an off-the-grid "green" dwelling, climb, learn how to survive, study alternative medicine, write, Read more books than movies I have seen, learn how to live cheep, travel, spend some time with the Native Americans, scuba dive, exercise more, stretch, visit an Ashram in India, teach English in a foreign country, join the Peace Corps, go to Nepal, Costa Rica,Ecuador, New Zealand, Peru, Cambodia, Africa and Thailand, Live among an Inuit tribe in the Arctic Circle, go to Alaska, and be happy.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

9 Ways to Prevent Wrinkles

1. Sleep on your back
2. Eat Salmon
3. Don't squint
4. Alpha-hydroxy Acids
5. Trade Coffee for Cocoa
6. Don't over-wash your face
7. Vitamin C
8. Soy
9. Avoid sun

Top Ten Foods for Hair

The top ten foods for healthy hair according to the website,

1. Salmon- omega 3, Vitamin B-12 and Iron- necessary for scalp health (Flaxseed oil- plant-based omega-3 fats)
2. Dark Green Vegetables- provide vitamins A and C ((the body needs these to produce sebum-the body's natural conditioner) as well as minerals iron and calcium)
3. Beans- kidney beans and lentils- protein, iron, zinc and biotin, that promotes hair growth
4. Nuts-
    -Brazil nuts rich with selenium- for the health of the scalp
    -Walnuts- alpha-linolenic acid- conditions your hair
    -almonds, pecans and cashews- zinc, prevent hair loss
5. Poultry- protein needed to strengthen the hair and maintain color
6. Eggs- protein, biotin and vitamin B-12
7. Whole Grains- zinc, iron and B-vitamins
8. Oysters-zinc (beef and lamb)
9. Low Fat Dairy Products- skim milk and yogurt- calcium, whey and casein
10. Carrots- vitamin A- healthy scalp, shiny hair

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I am going crazy so I can imagine that both my Professors and family are going crazy as well. "I don't think I want to go to medical school," I said for the third time in two weeks. "What is it that you want to do this hour, Jill?" my dad asked with raised brows and a shake of his head.

The question of what do I want to do has been answered numerous times in the past 21 days. In the past 21 days this was my thought process: I'll go back to school for chiropractic, grad school is expensive, I'll join the Navy, I'd be an officer, the Navy won't pay for chiropractic, aha! osteopathy is its cousin, the Navy will pay for this, hmm 4 years of grad, 3 years of residency, and they X amount of years of service, I'll have to take the MCATS, maybe I want to teach, "you make nothing," "in this economy you'll want some more security," say my audience. I get a monthly stipend, tuition coverage, and a job secured plus I'll be able to travel and see the world. But I want to rock climb, write, make my own pair of moccasins, have a garden, meditate and drive a VW bus. I fit the teacher profile. I would be poor but free to travel during the summer. I could be passing up a good opportunity. If I study osteopathic medicine I could practice the more holistic approaches, "nobody practiced the manipulative techniques while I was serving," if you do go this route...don't tell them you're interested in holistic medicine," says the audience. So over a decade of me not being able to practice the way I want...for what free education, status, job security? Medicine Mel offered to give me a gift certificate to take the Kaplan course for free. But what about my happiness?  Teaching. I used to love conducting the study group, developing the lesson plans, figuring out the best strategy to get the students to grasp the concepts. I could do that all day. I felt great every time the group met and I help someone to learn. Teach, that's what I'll do.

I got a sore throat from withholding this from my parents over the weekend for fear of their disappointment. But I had the munchies the morning after they got back so I went down and shared the news. Surprisingly they were proud and happy that I was happy with my decision.

So now it's the MTELs on September 24th, even if I fail I'll get feedback, so that I can work on the parts that need working on and I can take them again. This will allow me to teach in a public school setting. But it's the waiting process which is getting me down. I don't have an income, my parents are moving and invited me to go with them and, oh, my car was just sold, so I haven't a job, wheels, or home. I don't think I have ever been so bombarded with choices. From this I am experiencing IBS.

There is an easy choice, moving to NH with my parents (which would mean no overhead), working for my dad (which would mean not having to find a job and making good money), and studying for the MTELS. If I pass the MTELS then I would be able to look for a job in a public school setting, and teachers of the sciences are in high demand...good thing! But I am antsy and I hate not making money.

Then I met some friends of my parents: Sarah, Patrick and Diana, all within three hours of each other. Patrick teaches English in Chili, Sarah used to teach English in Japan and Diana taught English in Nepal while serving the PeaceCorps.

I think it is a sign. All three taught English overseas, although, through very different ports. Now I have the romantic idea of the PeaceCorp in my mind. Well it has resurfaced because I have always wanted to join. The book I am reading, "Energy Anatomy," by Caroline Myss, offers that relationships are spiritual messengers that help you to become more conscious of yourself and your path in life.  I was filling out the application today but stopped when it asked about credit and loads: are they paid off, or will they be by the time you serve? Oh boy....ok slow down Jill, your mind is spinning like a top and about to collapse, I need to remind myself. So during this hour, I have decided that I need to relax and focus on studying for the MTELS. September 24th is not that far away and I know that my parents will support me for the next month.

I don't want to be dependent on them but i need to remind myslef that I am taking steps to become independent and a month of dependence is going to result in the rest of my independent life. So i need to swallow my pride, wipe the raised brow off my face, and breathe. My assignment for the next month is going to be studying for the MTELS. I'm not going to worry about finding a job, a car or planning the rest of my life because I need to be in the now. But I think it would be smart to put my name in for substituting...that'll do.

I hope no one ever has to read this because I just ranted and I normally reread what I write but this looks daunting. you know it's bad when you don't even want to read it!

Who Am I Meant to Be?

I took a test on the Oprah website ( figure out, "who I am meant to be," and below are the results: 

You are an artist: You came out of the womb with a paintbrush in your hand. Or maybe it was a flute or a castanet or a fountain pen to go with your poet's imagination. The point is, you're an original, and you know it. Even if you don't have a singular gift, you're drawn to the arts—anything creative, for that matter—and you have a unique way of looking at the world. Your need for depth and authenticity in relationships can lead to both great joy and profound sorrow, depending on whether others reciprocate. You don't care so much about adapting to group or societal expectations; your independence and sharp intuition propel you on your own path.

What to watch out for: When fear of conformity overrides your creativity, you can assume the role of "outsider" or "orphan" and end up feeling alienated. You may even go so far as refusing to vote or pay taxes. This lone-wolf stance might be a defense against feeling vulnerable. Try to be aware that blaming others for your banishment, or pushing away those who want to get close, only makes things worse. Also, dramatizing your emotions can interfere with your creativity.

Looking ahead: As long as you genuinely express yourself, you feel like the person you were meant to be. How you do it is irrelevant. A chef or architect can be as much of an artist as a painter or sculptor. Many advertising and public relations executives are also highly imaginative. Beyond work, there are opportunities everywhere you look to coax out your inner artist: Design your own jewelry line, create an innovative blog, dream up a comic strip. Relationships are another avenue for self-expression.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Personality Test

I took a personality test called the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI) sample test. The real test is over 100 questions and costs money, so I did the free, poor-post-grad version.  Below are my results:

The Adventurer (the Seven)

Adventurers are energetic, lively, and optimistic. They want to contribute to the world.
How to Get Along with Me
  • Give me companionship, affection, and freedom.
  • Engage with me in stimulating conversation and laughter.
  • Appreciate my grand visions and listen to my stories.
  • Don't try to change my style. Accept me the way I am.
  • Be responsible for youself. I dislike clingy or needy people.
  • Don't tell me what to do.
What I Like About Being a Seven
  • being optimistic and not letting life's troubles get me down
  • being spontaneous and free-spirited
  • being outspoken and outrageous. It's part of the fun.
  • being generous and trying to make the world a better place
  • having the guts to take risks and to try exciting adventures
  • having such varied interests and abilities
What's Hard About Being a Seven
  • not having enough time to do all the things I want
  • not completing things I start
  • not being able to profit from the benefits that come from specializing; not making a commitment to a career
  • having a tendency to be ungrounded; getting lost in plans or fantasies
  • feeling confined when I'm in a one-to-one relationship
Sevens as Children Often
  • are action oriented and adventuresome
  • drum up excitement
  • prefer being with other children to being alone
  • finesse their way around adults
  • dream of the freedom they'll have when they grow up
Sevens as Parents
  • are often enthusiastic and generous
  • want their children to be exposed to many adventures in life
  • may be too busy with their own activities to be attentive (Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele)

The "Big R"

My sister once told me that her friend told her that she was afraid of graduating from high school because she was afraid of "The Big R" meaning "responsibility". Well, I made it through college, and this fear of the "Big R" did not creep in until after college graduation. Maybe the "Big R" is linked to graduations or major transitions in life and this is why I am experiencing IBS and having sciatica issues...making it ironically impossible to stand on my own two feet. More education, that's the answer I think, that will allow me to go back to school and mooch off my parents some more and it will postpone the dreaded job search fiasco. 

You see, during my fifth and final year of college I planned my AT trek, while acquiring gear and keeping a blog. While my professors were offering me job opportunities, I was deflecting them with big plans of my 2,181mile escape from responsibility.

Now I am off the trail due to injury and every waking and sleeping though is, what do I do now? The thing I realized this morning is that I am a marketable professional right now. So I need to get going with the dreaded job search.

The thought of searching for a job and the application process is overwhelming, however, I'm on this website ( right now.

The first Article I see is, "How to Look and Act like a Leader," and it shows before and after pictures of this women. A double take, that first picture looks like me, I think. Note to self: get pearls, a perm and a spiffy suite before I get my job portrait snapped.